Creative Being
An installation for Amman Design Week (2019) and a celebration of the Bedouin home; a tent archetype of steel and textile woven of Jordanian sheep’s wool. Traditionally, separate panels are woven on a floor loom, exclusively by the women of the tribe, and sewn together to assemble the larger surfaces of the tent. Creative Being attempts to explore that process and to shed light on the role of those women. The 1.5 x 2 x 2.85 meter installation dressed within a steel-framed pavilion, manifests as a continuous textile; a home inhabited as it is being created, and as it is woven from within.
There were live weaving performances throughout the duration of the exhibition, with the finale consisting of cutting the circular weaving and creating 2 rugs as ‘finished products’ to demonstrate the functionality of the structure as a legitimate weaving tool.